Get a Cholesterol Test in Brooklyn, New York

Having high cholesterol levels can be dangerous to your health, especially if it continues over a long period of time. It can eventually lead to a stroke or heart attack. Because there are no symptoms of it, you will need to have a cholesterol test in order to find out your cholesterol levels.

Why Cholesterol Is Dangerous

Cholesterol is a fat that is normally found within the human body. In fact, your body naturally produces quantities of it, and you get more when you eat meat. There are two types: LDL (low-density lipoprotein) – which is considered the bad kind, and HDL (high-density lipoprotein) – which is the good kind.

In order to have healthy blood vessels and arteries, there needs to be a balance between the two. LDL tends to accumulate along the insides of your blood vessels, but having the right amount of HDL will help to prevent this from happening.

A third type of naturally-occurring fat is called triglycerides. There is more of this type of fat than any other in your body. This one helps to store some of the fat you eat for extra energy. A problem can occur if you have high levels of LDL and triglycerides, and low levels of HDL.

The Test

When you need to know your cholesterol levels, it will be necessary to get a blood test. The cholesterol naturally flows in your blood stream, and a blood test will reveal how much cholesterol of each kind there is in your blood at that moment. The American Heart Association makes the recommendation that anyone over 20 years old get a cholesterol test about every five years.

Reducing High Cholesterol

If it is revealed that you have high cholesterol levels, it will be necessary to take steps to reduce it. It is possible that the doctor may prescribe some medications for it to bring about more desirable levels, depending on how high those levels are when tested.

Preventing High Cholesterol Levels

The best way to either prevent high cholesterol levels, or to reduce them, is to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes a healthy diet of less fat and more fruits and vegetables, and getting regular physical exercise. Removing excess weight is also necessary, because being overweight naturally raises cholesterol levels. It is also important to stop smoking because this raises your risk of heart disease by lowering your levels of HDL.

Of course, no one wants to experience a heart attack or stroke. Getting your cholesterol levels tested soon could enable you to do something about it if they are higher than what is considered healthy. It is always more beneficial to your overall health if you adopt the guidelines for a healthy living lifestyle.

Dr. Abdul Malik, MD offers a cholesterol test at his two offices in Brooklyn, NY. He is a specialist in Cardiology and has helped to train many young doctors in the fields of Internal Medicine and Cardiology. He has been practicing for over 24 years.